How To Spot If An Elder You Know Is Being Abused

At Gold Shield Elite, we have uncovered terrible situations that often times people don’t realize exist. We are here to pass along some knowledge to help educate others, as our skills have become fine tuned to detect different types of issues.

An issue that is sadly common for our elders is caregiver abuse. The most unfortunate part of this issue is that it may very likely be happening right under your nose to an elderly or disabled person that is close to you. However, knowledge is key, and hopefully this article will help you or someone you know avoid or bring to light a bad situation.

What is Caregiver Abuse?

First and foremost, caregiver abuse is typically defined as physical, or even mental, abuse by someone providing care for the elderly or a person with a disability. The term “caregiver” refers to anyone who routinely helps others who are limited by chronic conditions.

The Alarming Facts:

  • According to the best available estimates, between one and two million Americans aged 65 or older have been injured, exploited or otherwise mistreated by someone in their care.
  • Yet, elder abuse in all forms has remained an underreported crime because of how hard it can be to spot.
  • It is estimated that for every one case of elder abuse reported to authorities about 5 go unreported and unrealized.

As our population ages, caregiver abuse will only get worse. The United States is an aging society with more people living longer.

The Investigation Work

We find that often times families need, what most consider, a wellness check… simply checking in on the health, safety, and general welfare of a loved one.

Caregiver abuse investigations can be comprised of:

  • Full Background checks
  • Asset checks
  • Reviewing medical reports
  • Conducting alleged victim and offender interviews
  • Taking witness statements
  • Both overt and covert surveillance.

The investigator must also assess not only the victim, but the home or nursing facility environment to uncover caregiver abuse. Often the environment will tell more than the victim ever will. Be aware of the following conditions:

  • Is the home clean and kept up?
  • How is their personal appearance?
  • Is their food and heat?
  • Are the bills paid up to date?
  • Does the victim receive the medical care and right dosage of medications at the right time.

It is important to be sure that the situation is handled correctly by an experienced investigator to ensure that any wronged parties see justice. If you reasonably suspect caregiver abuse you can call Gold Shield Elite Investigations, toll free at 888-213-8881 for a free in-depth confidential consultation.

Find more information about caregiver abuse:

National Center on Elder Abuse

Mandated Reporter laws

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